

学生 in the WVC Student Success Center



The 家教中心 in 我看到了1132 provides assistance with educational and professional needs to students in 过渡的研究 and Student Grant programs.

The center has computer resources and is staffed by high-quality tutors and mentors who can help students with assignments, resume writing, study tips, time management strategies, methods for relieving test anxiety. 


For more information, contact the 过渡的研究 Program Office at 509.682.6790

Other tutoring services are also offered by WVC at no cost to students.  看到 辅导服务网页 了解更多信息.


Transition to College or 职业生涯 Training

我想让你知道一些 下一个步骤 you can take to help you be successful as you transition into a不her education or training program 在WVC这里.
ABE classes have just a small charge, but classes from other departments on campus 将 charge regular college tuition and fees and often require you to purchase textbooks and materials to be able to complete the class.  
不用担心!  There are lots of programs that help support students financially while they are getting the education and training they need to enter the career of their choice.  
But because it is expensive, it is important to plan ahead so 你 are choosing to prepare for a "good-fit" career 为你 and so that the financial support is ready 当你需要的时候.
Check out the sections below 了解更多信息 about what to do next.
Here are some important steps to complete in order to transition into a college-level WVC的教育或培训计划.
  • 申请你认为合适的资助年份 可能开始 taking classes from other departments at WVC
    • Remember that there are two types of financial aid 你 may be offered:
      • 礼物的援助 (grants and scholarships) which you do 需要回报
      • 贷款 (government or private loans) which you 需要回报
  • 财政援助申请 至少需要两个月的时间来处理,所以不要等待!  早期应用 to allow for processing time and to reserve the most financial support 为你r education (他们确实没钱了)
  • 如果你 需要帮助 filling out the application, contact the 学生资助中心 寻求帮助(见下文)


2.  Explore some of your "good-fit" career options


3.  完成 WVC转换形式  
  • 这个表单允许 教育策划处 know 你 are near the end of your 过渡的研究 HS+ or ESL program and 你 我想尽快开始一个新项目
  • After this form is submitted, a Student Navigator 将 reach out to you to help you 计划你的课程和课程


  • This form helps our Grants Center Navigators understand your career and educational plans, see if you may qualify for additional grant support while you are in school


5.  Ask if starting college-level classes before you finish your diploma is a good option 为你 
  • 有特别的 “受益能力”过桥融资 to pay for HS+ students to start college-level classes before they have completed 他们的文凭
  • This is a best fit for students who have completed the ABE 24 English Level E and the ABE 42 Advanced Math classes already, who know what educational or training 他们接下来想做的项目 
  • 如果你 are interested in doing this, let's set up a time to talk more about it and see if it would be a good option 为你. 
  • 联系电话:Julie Fitch, 509-682-6425或 jfitch@emotionsamsara.com 


We are excited 你'd like to continue your education and training after completing your 过渡的研究 HS+ or ESL Program. 
WVC has a lot of great programs to prepare students for in-demand career areas.
Below are some links to 职业评估 to help you learn more about some good-fit career options 你 could prepare for. 
These websites have career and interest assessments as well as information to learn 更多关于不同职业的信息.
After you complete one or more of the assessments, you can spend some time learning about the careers that interest you the most.
Once you have a few ideas about possible future careers, you can schedule a meeting with our WVC counselors to discuss this further and make a plan. 
Our WVC Counselors offer career, academic, personal counseling, are really great sources of information for students. 
这是一个 链接到WVC咨询网站 where you can learn more and schedule an appointment.